I am a storyteller. At times I will choose text either by the rhythmic ticking of a keyboard, or the haphazard nature of my script dancing across a blank page. Either way the words flow and I hear myself saying them to no-one like a madman or an artist, not that the difference is always distinguishable.
Stories can be fashioned diversely in a myriad of subtle or obscenely irritating color. Ideas disseminated with flowing, glowing rivers of molten gold and honey, or tumultuous torrents tossing thoughts to and to forgetting fro entirely. Wait. Listen. Gape wide your eyes and peer into imagination in a different way - through the visual arts. We do it all the time. Sitting tin front of the screen binging our way through a sugar sweet bag of sticky romance, gobs and piles of hiccup-inducing laughter, or teeming knapsack of adventure, suspense, or all of these. Watching images is and has been a key to our communicating for as long as we have been self aware. Telling stories by dancing around a fire, using symbols we call "letters" are both the same. Viewing drawings in the margins of our notebooks during corporate trainings or classrooms, or looking at a masterpiece in a museum hold the strength of communicating an idea. In China, it is said that you READ a painting. It is no different anywhere. We look deeply into the smashing kaleidoscope of forms and colors, shapes and lines and try to make sense of it and assign meaning. When I say, "I am a storyteller." I mean that not as a way to separate and make special myself, but as a way to join in the human collective. Imaging saying that again. Do not emphasize "I" but instead "am." Different meaning, yes? You just recolored my thought and met me where I thought it. I gave you the color with which I wanted you to paint it in your mind. THAT is how all communication works if it is working well. Enjoy your travels through my stories. Some look like a lot of small symbols that have been assigned a sound. Others are bold and striking visual representations of a wild idea. Still others a soft and inviting environment to lose yourself in as I did when I painted it. I am glad you're jining me on this adventure. Buckle up your knapsack, purse, bag of holding, top hat and cane, or fanny pack and join me mucking our way through life playing with Cartoons and Creatures! Yours in Art, Jason
Jason Robert LeClairI've been drawing and creating fantastical worlds for over 30 years. This is my area to put any visual or written musings. You've been warned... The Vault
January 2022
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