October has been full of surprises!
I was honored to be in the Rhode Island Art Educators Show at the Warwick Center for the Arts. I was doubly honored to be awarded 2nd place overall at the show! This past Thursday 10/21/21, My work was greeted in a gallery night. I have had my work in a show at URI Providence campus, six pieces in total. You may know some of them as they are frequent flyers in this blog. The show was full of tremendous art including a piece from ReTech.org. I met many fellow artists and steampunk/fantasy enthusiasts. One of the stars of the show was The Greenman. The gallery manager and beautiful person, Steven Pennell, Had been pushing the image all over social media and it stopped many folks who wanted a closer look. I feel like this painting is a turning point for my art. I now have the confidence in my work to stand by it without excuse and put myself out there. For far too long, I wondered what would sell. Making art for that reason clouded my creativity. With the weight lifted of that need to fit in with other "legitimate" artists, I find myself loving my work. It's called "imposter syndrome" and it affects many creatives who pour so much into their work it hurts. These amazing creators tend to feel they do not measure up to the barre that has been set by those before and/or their contemporary creatives. I have seen this in my students for years. I have always been that kid who needed approval from someone else to be an artist. I'm taking back that need to be accepted and please all. I want to redefine it. I want to walk tall with the confidence in myself and my work so that when people see it, they fall in love with it as much as I do. Stay safe, stay healthy, and make Art!
Jason Robert LeClairI've been drawing and creating fantastical worlds for over 30 years. This is my area to put any visual or written musings. You've been warned... The Vault
January 2022
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