So, it turns out that my long absence was do to Tension Headaches. I'm to reduce stress to make sure they are as under control as the meds can get them. What does that mean for you and why am I bothering to share this? Making art - specifically drawing and painting - is my best de-stressor. So on with the show, my friends! Get ready for artwork onslaughts as I fill up the blog with my artsy shenanigans...
I have neglected to post for quite a while now.
Allow me to explain. I have been steadily working on my portfolio of work and finding ways for you to purchase and enjoy the work for yourselves. I am so happy to report that the shop is back online. Currently we are running with limited stock to test the waters. Here's how it works - Go to the portfolio and hover over a piece with your cursor. If it has a link, it's available for purchase! Click and you can see what is in stock. |
Jason Robert LeClairI've been drawing and creating fantastical worlds for over 30 years. This is my area to put any visual or written musings. You've been warned... The Vault
January 2022
Sections |